Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Common Lawn Threats According to Sydney Turf Suppliers

Sydney Turf Suppliers
Sydney turf suppliers say that a well-manicured lawn can become a source of pride to a lot of homeowners. However, you can’t control the lingering threats that can attack your lawn. They are always there waiting for the right moment to strike. Have you given much thought about these threats? Do you know what they can do to your lawn? Here are the five common threats to your lawns:

No 1. Lawn Grubs. These nasty cretins can kill your shadesmaster soft leaf lawn without you even knowing about it. They appear to be half an inch white larvae of beetles that are shaped like the letter “C.” They can inflict damage by eating the roots of the grass or plants for weeks, which slowly kills the lawn.  To prevent them, you should have a healthy lawn care regimen, but if your lawn has already been infested, consider using insecticide.

No 2. Crabgrass. The most common pests in a lawn are weeds and the most infamous one are crabgrass. This sly and opportunistic menace can invade the entirety of your lawn if it is not treated immediately. According to Sydney turf suppliers, the only way to get rid of crabgrass is to maintain the vigorous health of your lawn. Deeply water your turf, avoid using fertiliser during the summer season, and remove them by hand using a variety of tools available to you.

No 3. Brown Patch. Have you seen your shadesmaster soft leaf lawn turning brown all of a sudden? Experts call these brown patching, and they are normally caused by high humidity, high night time temperatures, and over-moisturising of the grass for a consecutive number of days. The best way to prevent this from developing is to implement a well-planned lawn care plan or use a variety of chemical fungicides.

No 4. Dandelion. These yellow budded flowers may seem pretty at first, but they can become persistent pests if left untended. Normally appearing during the spring season, dandelions live off of thin weak lawns and an unhealthy soil condition. Having a robust soil and grass state on your turf can surely aid in the prevention of dandelion growth, as suggested by Sydney turf suppliers.      

No 5. Red Thread. If you see these red or pink webbing on your lawn, it is a sign that red thread has occupied your turf. This is a lawn disease that is relatively harmless and is the result of low nitrogen content in the soil. These are just indicators that your lawn is in need of fertilising. Consult with Sydney turf suppliers to get the most out of a professional’s help when dealing with these threats and make your lawn as healthy as possible.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lawn Turf Suppliers Sydney's Advice on Safe Lawn Mower Use

Lawn turf suppliers Sydney are well accustomed to the possible dangers of lawn mowers. A lot of people view them as an ordinary machine and they are treated with the same indifference as with any type of household tools. However, lawn mowers can become fatal contraptions that should not be taken lightly. How can you prevent mowing accidents? Read on to find out.

Statistics tell us that a lot of children are involved in lawn mower-related accidents. It is better to know how to protect them first. Never allow children to play with a lawn mower, even if it is turned off. The possibility of them accidentally turning it on is high and this can lead to dire consequences. Also, prevent them from riding with you while mowing your shadesmaster soft leaf turf.  

Another thing to keep in mind is to let children stay inside the house while you mow, protecting them from potential injuries. Allow children to use the lawn mower only when they are 12 years old or mature enough to understand the dangers of the machine. The number of lawn mower injuries and accidents involving children are far too many, according to lawn turf suppliers Sydney.

When protecting yourself from lawn mower accidents, it is important to know that having common sense is the best precaution. Experts suggest that you should inspect your shadesmaster soft leaf lawn and pick up any forms of debris that may become projectiles once you run over them with your mower. It is important to start your lawn mower outdoors on a non-grass surface area.

Remember to wear the appropriate clothing when mowing the lawn. Lawn turf suppliers Sydney suggest wearing long pants, hearing protection, shoes, and protective eyewear while doing this task. Check your mower and make sure that it is equipped with safety guards and an automatic shut-off device. You have to pay attention to your environment while mowing. Do not mow the lawn if the grass is wet, especially if it is overgrown and uneven. Finally, you have to be mindful of the blades when you remove the grass catcher. Wait for it to completely stop and then take the junk out of the chute.

Safety should always be a priority in any endeavour. You have to know the techniques for protecting yourself and your family when you operate a lawn mower. If you are unsure about using your mower, contact your lawn turf suppliers Sydney and they will assist you in your lawn care needs.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Overwatering Makes Lawns Suffer Says Turf Suppliers Sydney

Turf suppliers Sydney said that having and maintaining a healthy lawn is part of being a good citizen. However, according to the reports of lawn care and maintenance experts, it can also have serious environmental impacts to the country. In recent news, there has been a scarcity in the water supply and it is all due to the excessive hydration of lawns and plants.

A lot of people think that over-watering their lawn will result in positive things, but according to Sydney turf suppliers and industry insiders, this is certainly not the case. Lawn care professionals believe that the healthiest kind of grass is slightly dry. When soil is on the dry side, the grass will elongate its roots in search of moisture and an extensive root system is vital to the health of your lawn, explained by experts.

Excessively watered grass will tend to have shallow roots because it doesn't have to search for water since it can easily access moisture in its surface, said turf suppliers Sydney. A healthy lawn needs to be a little thirsty, which is why it is important to water the plants infrequently, imitating the natural rain showers.

Experts also stated that underdeveloped grass roots will not withstand further stresses like insect pressure, droughts, and diseases. It actually attracts pests, weeds, and turf disease that will only cost more money in damages, they added.

Turf suppliers Sydney also recommended that people should learn when to water their plants. According to specialists, the best time to water the lawns is just before dawn. They said that watering the lawns during the day is considered to be a waste of time and resources. The reason behind it is that the water you used will only evaporate during the day and the grass would not get the necessary moisture it needs. The only exception to this rule is when the lawn is literally burning from the excessive heat. Watering for short periods of time can save the grass because it allows it to cool off. Experts call this method syringing.

Furthermore, the news of the looming El NiƱo can greatly affect your watering activities and turf suppliers Sydney warned people to conserve water when taking care of their lawns. The dryness of the climate will seriously reduce the water levels of the continent. Lawn care is important and specialists are advising homeowners to heed their warning and change their water-wasting ways.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lawn Turf Suppliers Sydney and Their Products Make Homes More Valuable

Lawn turf suppliers Sydney should rejoice because well-manicured lawns are now adding more value to residential properties. Sellers of natural pre-made grass or simple lawn care supplies are now seen as a valuable commodity in the housing construction industry. The news has now made the lawn turf industry feel more confident and alive.

According to a recent study by industry experts, homes that have grassy green turf, such as a shadesmaster soft leaf, have extremely high selling prices than other properties, costing as much as $80,000. Based on the survey conducted by the said experts, home buyers will now have to pay 19% more for a house with a lawn.

Also, buyers are becoming more discerning when it comes to the type of lawns that are presented in a house. Data gathered by industry specialists and lawn turf suppliers Sydney concluded that, nowadays, buyers are not happy with concrete, pavers, and synthetic lawn. Consumers now prefer all things to be natural. Authentic grass turfs and natural lawn supplies are extremely in demand.

Natural shademaster soft leaf lawn turfs are currently accessible in the market, which make them even more viable for consumers. The rise of drought-resistant turf makes homes more secure and environmentally sufficient. Furthermore, the studies made by real estate agents revealed that 70% of home buyers are demanding a green lawn for leisurely activities for them and their families, as well as for aesthetic purposes.

There is also a surprising growth in the sales of lawn mowers, and the popularity of turf roofs are spreading. It is evident that lawn turf suppliers Sydney are now extending their services, not only to mere lawns but also to the roofs of various establishments such as hotels, commercial buildings, and homes. The main reason for this is that the grass on the roof can actually insulate the space and aids in temperature control. The efficiency of this activity can further help the environment’s vitality.

In this day and age of synthetic objects and unnatural products, it is really important to go back to the basics. Even the housing industry is taking notice of this trend. Lawn turf suppliers Sydney need not worry about their future because of this latest development. Buyers are now making smart and environmentally sensible choices that will certainly boost the demand for natural lawn turf products. So what are you waiting for? Be on trend and call your nearest turf suppliers. Go green and be smart.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sydney Turf Suppliers’ 5 Natural Ways to Make Your Lawn Healthy

Sydney turf suppliers say that there are five ways to improve your lawn and it is completely all-natural. Excited to dive right in? Let’s go.

No 1. Use Mulch. Mulching your lawn is ideal to make your shademaster soft leaf or other kinds of turf grass grow healthy and nice. As soon as you clip your lawn, you should mulch the clippings back. Experts say that mulching your clippings on your lawn can provide nutrients to the soil. They add valuable organic matter that makes your turf grass fit.

No 2. Apply Compost. According to Sydney turf suppliers, compost is a material added to a soil to change its composition, which adds organic matter and beneficial organisms to it. It is normally made of decomposed organic matter like kitchen scraps, leaves, animal manure, and grass. The most important aspect of compost is the microorganisms that live in it. These microbes cycle the nutrients in the soil and this, in turn, is taken by the plant or grass. It also has other micronutrients that are completely helpful for the growth of the grass or plant.

No 3. Testing Your Soil. It is important to know that lawns grow on diverse types of soils. Fertilising also varies because of the components of a particular type of soil. Checking and testing your soil’s nutrient content and PH levels are important. Take note that not all nutrients are helpful. In fact, some can cause imbalances and harmful effects to the environment. For example, over application of nitrogen can actually contaminate natural waterways and even groundwater. You don’t want your brand new shademaster soft leaf turf to get damaged by untested soil, do you? Call your local garden centres and turf suppliers. Ask them if they offer soil testing services.

No 4. Do Not Mow the Lawn Too Short. You might think that a lawn that is clipped really short is desirable and aesthetically pleasing, but that is not the case. Mowing the turf on such an extreme way can injure the growth of the grass. Sydney turf suppliers also warn that mowing the turf in that length can actually cause a slew of undesirable pests and weeds. Mowing your lawn at the height of eight to ten centimetres is the most ideal.

No 5. Avoid Over Watering Your Lawn. It is not a good idea to submerge your turf in water because it can kill the grass itself. Sydney turf suppliers suggest that you water your turf with three centimetres of water per week. Consult with a garden expert to get the most out of your lawn. Keep it healthy and fit.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lawn Turf Suppliers Sydney’s 4 Steps to a Healthy Lawn

Lawn turf suppliers Sydney say that there are four steps to making your lawn as healthy as possible. First, you have to know that every lawn is different from everybody else. There are many factors that could affect the health and growth of your lawn such as weather, soil condition, budget, geographical location, etc. Now that you have that in mind, are you ready to begin? Let’s go.

Step No 1. Identify the Type of Grass Ideal for Your Area. There are five common grass types used in Australian lawns and these are Buffalo ( like shademaster soft leaf ), Zoysia, Queensland Blue Couch, Couch, and Kikuyu. You have to identify what kind of grass is suitable for your area. Ask your local turf supplier to help you identify which grass is ideal for your lawn.  

Step No 2. Fertilising. Timing is everything when it comes to fertilising your lawn. If you fertilise at the wrong time, the growth of the grass could be compromised and damages will ensue. Also, think about the kind of fertiliser you will use on your lawn. It is better to consult a professional lawn turf suppliers Sydney about the different fertilising products they have, what suits the type of grass you have on your lawn, and if it is ecologically safe. You wouldn't invest in a fertiliser that isn’t appropriate for your turf and can harm nature.

Step No 3.Watering System. One of the key components of maintaining a strong and hearty lawn is providing adequate moisture for it. Avail of a sprinkler system that acts like supplemental water source for your turf grass. You or a lawn turf specialist should build the strongest and deepest root zone for your lawn, so that your turf grass, like a shademaster soft leaf, can withstand periods of drought and dryness. Also, try to conserve water as you moisturise your grass. It is also your duty to take good care of the planet.

Step No. 4 Be Wary of Weeds and Pests. You will only have to think about these if and when your lawn is not properly maintained. Weeds and pests will invade any thinning or bare turf within poor soil condition. Have your soil tested by lawn turf suppliers Sydney who are experienced in Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, to make sure your lawn is protected.

These four steps might sound simple, but you also have to consult a lawn turf suppliers Sydney expert to make sure that your lawn is fit. The health of your turf grass depends on it.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Monday, June 9, 2014

5 Steps to Making Your Winter Green Couch Turf Drought-Proof

Are you worried that your beloved winter green couch turf might suffer due to drought? You might think of that scenario as unlikely, but it is better to be prepared than sorry. Follow these steps to make your turf drought-resistant.

Step No 1. First, determine the things you’ll need for this undertaking. You will need a lawn mower, nitrogen, a watering system, a small shovel, a lawn aerator, and a measuring tape. These items are typically stocked in most turf supplies Sydney stores and in other cities. When you have the entire necessary equipments at hand, you are now ready to begin.

Step No 2. It is imperative that you mow the lawn often and maintain its correct height. According to experts, turf grass resists drought when it is clipped to a height of 6.35 to 7.62 centimetres because the grass provides moisture for the soil, keeping it cool. As a result, the roots of the grass will be able to maintain its tolerance for heat and ensure a healthy growth of the leaves. After mowing your turf, do not clean up the mess. Just leave the clippings around. A previous study has shown that these clippings act like mulch that keeps the roots of the grass moist and cool.

Step No 3. You should also spread a small amount of nitrogen (which you could purchase at turf supplies Sydney stores) on your lovely turf. According to gardening experts, the maximum application of nitrogen is 1.36 kilogram per 9.30 square kilometres of lawn. If you go overboard with your nitrogen application, the possible effect is the overgrowth of the grass.

Step No 4. Create a deep water system for your winter green couch turf. It is said that turf grass roots wouldn’t grow on dry soil. Experts mentioned that the roots can actually grow as deep as 30.48 centimetres if the irrigation system is correct. After irrigating your lawn, use your shovel and measuring tape to determine how deep the water has penetrated the turf. Increase the amount of time you water the turf until it reaches the recommended 30.48 centimetres.

Step No 5. Utilise a lawn aerator twice a year to aerate your turf. This further promotes irrigation, water penetration, and excellent root growth. Winter green couch turf that is well-aerated can survive the cruellest of all droughts. If you follow these steps religiously, your lawn will surely appreciate your commitment to keep it healthy and well-tended, even during dry weather conditions.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Deteriorating Vegetation and Sydney Turf Supplies Caused by Kangaroos Force Government to Take Extreme Action

Kangaroos are considered to be a national treasure and their habitats are normally in grasslands (natural or bought from stores that sell Sydney turf supplies). However the government recently announced that they will be hunting down 1,600 kangaroos for eating too much grass.Other more humane methods are also being reviewed and might still come to play after.Canberra’s annual cull of these marsupials had been previously stalled because of protests from animal rights activists and charities.

The reports indicate that these animals are causing a lot of harm in the vegetation of some states. The overpopulation of kangaroos and the rate of winter green couch grass and other plants being eaten by these creatures are alarming. Other species of animals that thrive on grasslands are seriously affected by this, which pushed the government to take extreme action.

The number of kangaroos is staggering. Parts of the region of Canberra have the highest density of these marsupials – over 500 per square kilometre to be exact. Sightings of these animals hopping around preservations, park, even golf courses with lush grass from Sydney turf supplies, and lawns of the Government House are prominent, making these places their favourite grazing spots.

The cull is necessary for the reduction of the population of the eastern gray kangaroos that have been damaging the grasslands needed by other animals. The authorities and experts believe that these kangaroos can chomp down the ground layer of winter green couch grass and other plant life, leaving nothing for birds, reptiles, insects, and other animals.

Alternative actions are being planned by the government. Contraception is one of these options and 500 kangaroos are already being tested. Even animal rights activists agreethat this isa gentler and more humane way of handling the issue. Sydney turf supplies owners are also relieved by this turnaround and are happy with the government’s alternative plan of actions.

Alpha dog, an animal charity, has recently partnered with the local government and has already used the contraceptives on the animals. A spokesperson for the charity even declared that the costs of these are only one-fifth compared to the thousands of dollars the government has spent on hiring marksmen. Meanwhile, if you are bothered by the damages kangaroos have made on your lawn and shrubberies, or you want to be well-informed about the latest turf news, give the nearest Sydney turf supplies stores a ring or visit their websites.

Learn more about the author: Annette Vella